Village of Maine garbage and recycling services are provided by Harter's Fox Valley Disposal.
Garbage is collected weekly; Recycling is collected every other week. A schedule is provided below for your convenience.

Recycling Guidelines

Where To Place Your Garbage Cans
Where you place your garbage and recycling containers can make the collection process easier for everyone involved. Containers should be placed 4 (four) feet apart to allow ample space for the equipment to pick up the containers. In the winter, be sure to clear snow from the area where you are placing your containers.
Containers are provided by Harter’s and are the only containers that should be used for garbage and recycling. Place the containers at the end of your driveway the evening before, or by 5 a.m. the morning of, collection. Do not leave the container at the end of your driveway for more than 12 hours before collection or 24 hours after collection. The Village of Maine ordinance also requires that garbage and recycling containers be stored in a location where they are not visible from the roadway and are not in the road right of way.

For recycling electronics and other items, we recommend
Good News Project
1106 North 5th Street
Wausau, WI 54403-3584
Click the E-Cycling Button to learn more.